NUS Anchored at 18°59.1N-112°04.5W in 240ft depth, in Roca Partida, the sky is totally cloudy with some light rain this morning, it is dark. Air temperature 78°F and Northerly wind of 15 knots and gusts of 20 knots with a long period swell from the northwest of 6ft.
This morning two dives were made in Roca Partida with visibility of 60ft, water temperature of 82°F, and light current on the second dive towards the east.
First dive many Dolphins made the delights of the divers, with a good interaction that made the Manta Rays feel jealous and they also joined the party so that the divers left very happy from the first dive.
In the second dive, 3 Manta Rays, 2 chevrons, and a black, interacted with some groups of divers, also. The whitetips Reef Sharks made an appearance on both dives, as some Silvertips and a school of bigeye Jacks. We have two more dives in the afternoon. Plan for tomorrow is Cabo Pearce on Socorro Island. We are alone in Roca Partida, with no other boats.