Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2023-11-20

NUS Anchored at 18°46.3N-110°54.3W in 105ft depth, Cape Pearce, Socorro Island, the sky is partly cloudy. Air temperature 78°F, today a pleasant northerly breeze is blowing 8kn, and waves of 2ft from the same direction.

Two dives were done this morning at Cabo Pearce with visibility of 70ft, temperature of 81°F, and moderate current to the South on the second dive, with many manta rays and dolphins.

There were at least 5 manta rays together throughout the entire diving, the happiest guest was Kenny, our VIP diver, from Roca Partida, who was interacting with the mantas and the sea lion at the same time. All the guests dived today and everyone was happy. We have one more dive in the afternoon and then the Navy inspection. Plan for tomorrow the Boiler on San Benedicto Island. Sharing the dive site with Solmar V and Valentina.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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