Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2023-12-09

19.19.354N – 110.48.454W, diving BOILER, anchored in 50ft of water inside the shelter in front of the BOILER. We had to move cause the weather conditions at the anchorage driven by the park were just not good at all. We were struggling in the dive platform getting guests and stuff in and out of the skiffs. Here is a little better and still the boat rocks and rolls, one more dive here and we are going to move to the CANYON to end this week of dives.

Today the Boiler is AWESOME they say, so many mantas and dolphins. Both morning dives have been loaded with action. In both dives, the dolphins have been with the divers for the entire dive, there are lots of other fish but divers only talk about mantas and dolphins.

The current is light running to the north, the water temperature is 80f, visibility is 25ft, the swell is huge maybe 8 to 10ft and the wind waves are big too, the wind is doing over 14kts NW, air temperature is 82f.

Some say they saw five mantas at the same time, clear skies. Last night we celebrated ALESSANDRO’S birthday he loved the cake and was happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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