Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2023-12-12

Good afternoon, everyone, NEX anchored in San Benedicto, diving the boiler, Northerly wind 10 -15 kts and 2-4 feet. We arrived to the island last night and had a quiet night, this morning we did our check dive in Fondeadero, we had a moderate current, water temperature was 26 Celsius and viz 25 meters.

Check dive was awesome, our divers saw 2 tiger sharks, lots of white tips, 2 hammerheads, many lobsters, and 4 mantas at the same time. After the dive, we moved the boat to the Boiler and had another great dive, a very sharky dive, Galapagos, silvertips, white tips, hammerheads lots of reef fish, and 3 friendly mantas.

So far, all divers are more than happy. Plan is to do 2 more dives here and then move to the Canyon and dive there tomorrow. The original plan was to go to Roca. Dive conditions in the Boiler were good, viz was not as good as it was in Fondeadero, it was around 15 meters and temperature were the same.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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