WX: Wind 5 to 8 kts NW, waves 1 ft NW, Swell 2 ft NW period 9 seconds. We are in Roca Partida, we arrived at 6:30 am, and we are the only ones here, no more vessels around.
First dive: It was very good, and the clients were so happy: Vis +60 ft, T° 26 C, Current: Moderate North to south, Fauna: Family of dolphins, silver tips, white tips, Yellowfin tuna school (small individuals), silkys. School of Jacks.
Second dive: It was quiet, Vis.+60 ft, T° 26 C, Current: None, Fauna: Huge yellowfin tuna, huge lobster, 1 dolphin.
On the first dive, everyone was so happy, on the second only one group was happy (the one which saw the big tuna and Lobsters), and the other groups were not so sad at all.
We are going to see how the third dive is, seems like when the current calmed down the activity went down too. If stay like this after dinner we will be moving to Socorro.
We already started with the Campaign.