18.59.477N – 112.04.887W anchored in Roca Partida, weather conditions are good, light NW winds, small 3ft NW waves, little current, blue skies with some whites in it. Air temperature and water are the same 78f, and visibility today is 100ft the best of the week. Mild current to the south in first dive then it shifted to the east for the second one.
A couple of friendly mantas in Roca Partida today, a chevron and a black one, the north corner is active and have silver tip sharks, Galapagos some silkies, and white-tip sharks. Some of the guests say they saw the white tips hunting, other guests say they saw a big group of wahoo, down deep the horse-eyed jacks and cotton mouth are in big numbers but they are interested in divers.
In the reef octopus, eels, and loads of other fish keep people entertained. Just before I dropped guests for the second dive, false killer whales went by, some stayed close to the rock but despite the fact that divers heard them all dive long nobody got to see them. Then a school of yellowfin tunas showed up. Diving so far is good, conditions are good too