Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-01-07

Belle diving the Boiler today. Swell is quite big from the WNW around 7-9′ (long period). Wind is northerly around 10kts. Sky mostly overcast today. Air temp 25C.

Finished the afternoon yesterday at Canyon with a couple better dives. A small school of hammerheads around, silver tips and Galapagos, and a manta cruising around as well. Decided not to go to RP last night because Southern Sport and NUS were going so we moved up to the Boiler this morning and are alone here today.

Diving has been ok, not spectacular. First dive half the divers had a couple mantas around for a little time. Dive 2 there was a manta around. Viz is moderate around 15m, current mild. Trying our 3rd dive here now and depending how it goes will decide if we go back and finish at the Canyon or not.

Tonight we’ll head to Socorro and dive Tosca/West tomorrow 3 dives plus navy and Cabo Pearce the day after. RP last day.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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