NUS Anchored at 19°19.3N-110°48.4W, in 105ft depth, the sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 75°F, with a pleasant breeze of 5 knots blowing from the North and swell of 3ft long period of the northwest.
This morning two dives were done. On the first dive at the Anchorage for the checkout dive, all the guests dived and it was successfully, they saw 3 chevron manta rays and 2 dolphins.
For the second dive, we moved to the Boiler to take advantage of the good weather, and that we are alone on the island that this does not happen very often and the Boiler cooperated with two mantas, one chevron and one black. Visibility of 60ft and temperature of 77°F, moderate current towards the southwest, in both dives.
We have two more dives in the afternoon one more in the Boiler and we will return to do the last dive of the day in the Canyon and make the delicious Mexican Tequilas before sailing towards Roca Partida.