This is one of my best experiences ever!
San Ignacio Lagoon is a remote and beautiful place in Baja, immersed in the wild nature of the desert and the Pacific Ocean, but with all the amenities and comfort of modern days in our camp.
Today was my first whale-watching tour within the trip. It’s a day I will never forget. Gray whales came so close, so big, so majestic, so calm, and so friendly that you cannot believe it. There’s a true connection between mammals: whales and humans.
When I say the whales came close to the panga, I mean so close that I got myself rinsed by the “whale spray” when two adults were curious about us and breathed a couple of times next to us. Unbelievable!
Minutes later, one of them spy hopped and took a good look at us. She went underneath the panga, scratched her back very gently against the bottom of our boat, and then surfaced next to us and raised her face so we could pet her. She stayed there for a little bit and went down to later repeat the same behavior a couple of times.
There are not enough words to say how incredible and magical these moments are!
Juan David – Dive Guide