Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-02-02

NUS Anchored at 19°17.4N-110°48.4W, in 50ft depth, the Canyon, San Benedicto Island, the sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 74°F, the wind blowing strongly from the north at 17 knots and gusts more than 20 knots, long swells from the south. very strange weather that suddenly the wind stops blowing for a few minutes and it feels calm and hot and the wind returns and it already feels cool.

This morning 4 boats in the area of the Canyon all with the same intentions and seeking the protection of the place. We held a meeting at sea, each captain in his skiff, we met and discussed the logistics of the day so that we would all dive in common agreement and the first three boats that arrived first had the opportunity to do three dives while the last boat to arrive, which was the Quino, only did two dives and everyone was happy.

This day there were two dives, one in the morning and the other at noon, with visibility of 30 ft, the water temperature of 74°F. The current will link towards the east on the first dive and without current on the second dive, Surge, log swell from the south.

Our mother nature supported us with a large school of hammerhead sharks on both dives, guests were very happy because they had never seen hammerhead sharks so close and passing by the heads of the divers, all the divers right in the middle of the action.

Guests waiting for the afternoon dive to say goodbye to the mantas…No mantas on these two dives.

Yesterday in the afternoon dives at Cabo Pearce the Dolphins showed up and cooperate very well.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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