San Benedicto is Full of Marine Life!

When you see a bunch of sharks on the check out dive – first dive of the trip – it sure is a hard act to follow. However, San Benedicto pulled out all the stops and increased the scenery, by showing us hammerhead sharks and oceanic mantas on our subsequent dives. It got to the point where we didn’t bother to alert each other about the presence of marine life we would noticed on other dives – even when a Moray swam under Andreas, I didn’t bother to let him know it was there – too insignificant on these dives. We were likes kids in candy shops ours eyes were on swivels desperate to see everything and there was so much to see. When we look ahead at mantas, hammerheads, white tips or silkies come up behind us and we are left unsure where to look first……. What a first day; and tomorrow is going to be better – no doubt….
Can’t wait for tomorrow,


By Nautilus Guests

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