NUS Anchored at 18°46.4N-111°02.4W, in 100ft depth, Punta Tosca, Socorro Island, the sky is partly cloudy. Air Temperature 71°F, wind 13 knots from the north and gusts of 17 knots. The swell of 3ft that wrapping the tip of the bay, but outside the bay, the waves are 9ft.
This morning two dives were made with Visibility of 60ft, Water Temperature 75°F, no current in the first dive and strong in the second, diving towards the west.
Tosca cooperated this morning with two chevron Manta Rays, Dolphins and a Tiger Shark. All guests and crew were happy and without problems.
We have one more dive and then the Inspection with the Navy. We are alone, there are no other ships in the area.