Captainโ€™s Noon Reports โ€“ Belle Amie โ€“ 2024-02-09

18.59.488N โ€“ 112.04.924W, anchored in Roca Partida 245 Ft under the keel, clouds blocking sunlight day feel colder that it really is, air is 75F, wind blowing 12 kts NW, long period 8Ft swell NW wind surprisingly isnโ€™t making that much wind waves so we are doing good.

Belle takes the swells and wind well, everything is coming from same direction so we are doing great, back deck has some difficulty but with this crew NO PROBLEMS, guests liking Roca Partida, some others want to go back to the Canyon they keep asking meโ€ฆ Canyon on first day was amazing.

Anyways so far guests have seen some dolphins and one manta, loads of fish specially jacks, cottonmouths and horse eyed jacks gather in big groups as a protection from predators. The north corner has some action but not the usual cast. Only white tip sharks are there, guests found three octopus and they spent some time with them, balconies with some of the juvenile white tips and lobster funny how they share the same spot.

The highlight of the day so far has been the mom and calf HUMPBACK WHALES both of them jumping clear out of the water just couple of hundred yards from the boat, they did it five times and every time guests were cheering for them and of course hoping they would come to the rock. Today visibility averages 70Ft and current has been strong running to the south. Yesterday in the third dive of the day in Cabo Pearce a pod of dolphins came in and played for a while making guests very happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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