Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-02-09

NUS Anchored at 19°17.4N-110°48.3W in 55ft depth, the Canyon, San Benedicto Island, the sky is cloudy. Air Temperature 71°F.

This morning two dives were made in the Canyon, visibility 60ft, Water temperature 75°F and light current to the southwest.

A large school of hammerhead sharks and good action at the cleaning station with Galapagos, silvertips and tons of reef fishes.

Yesterday at the briefing after dinner I spoke with the guests. Planned to go to Roca Partida, but all day the waves and strong wind were, everyone decided that they wanted a comfortable crossing and that if the boat was moving a lot, we should go to San Benedicto to be in the protection of the Canyon and dive comfortably and Check if we can go on the last day.

Everyone is happy with the Canyon dives and looking forward to the afternoon dives. We are sharing the dive site with Solmar v and Quiono Guardian. Dive Site 1: canyon3 vessels: NUS, SOLMAR V, QUINO GUARDIAN

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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