Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-02-18

18.46.643N – 110.54.577W, anchor resting in 110FT, diving Cabo Perace today, wind is doing 10kts NE inside the bay. Outside conditions are little different, inside the bay we have flat seas, just outside the bay there are 2FT waves and wins is doing a good 14kts NE.

Today skies are clear, there is not a single cloud, is blue from side to side, its amazing, air temperature is 75F and ocean today is 73F, visibility averages 75Ft, little current running to the south.

So far guests are having an incredible time, they have seen loads of Mantas, some Galapagos sharks, tons of white tip reef sharks, moray eels, octopus, many other reef fish. But of course, guests are aiming for the big stuff.

This morning in first dive and while divers were in the water a humpback whale went by very close to the lava finger in Cabo Pearce, very frustrating that the diver did not get to see them. One of the groups had a dolphin coming to them and play, divers loved the encounter and now they want more.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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