Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-02-22

Good afternoon, everyone, NEX anchored at Punta Tosca, 130 ft depth, 3 shots paid out, northerly wind 10 kts gusting 15 kts and 1-2 ft swell inside the bay, air temperature is 23C.

We finished our diving day yesterday in Cabo Pearce, action was good, there were 3 mantas, 1 of them was pregnant. This manta passed very close to one group of divers and when passing by the other 2, was on top of the divers. It was a great scene; current was a little strong but not affecting guests’ experience.

Today we started our ops. at 0800 and so far we have done 2 dives, both of them have very been good. During the dives our guests saw a big pod of dolphins, they said 40 plus and they were very friendly and interacted with our divers.

During dive 2 they saw 3 mantas some scattered hammerheads, some silky sharks, white tips, a Galapagos shark the usual reef fish and 2 of them told me that they did like the topography a lot. Guest Natasha who was snorkeling also saw a turtle and some white tipped sharks, this turtle stayed with her almost the entire time she was snorkeling.

High light of the day is that Celina and 1 of her divers saw a whale in the distance under water, rest of the guests saw the whales while they were being taken to the dive site. Diving conditions: VIZ -20 meters, water temperature is 24 and light current. We will have our dinner on the hook and after that we will heave up anchor and will go to Roca Partida.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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