Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-02-24

18.59.462N – 112.04.902W anchored in Roca Partida, 245Ft of water under the keel. Is a beautiful day out here, light NE breeze, cloudy skies, air temperature is 78F, long 4-6Ft NW long period swell. Today ocean is beautiful a good day to be out here in Roca Partida.

First dive this morning had strong current coming from the West then in second dive it shifted to the North being a light current for us.

Both beautiful dives with loads of fish, divers report yellow fin tuna, horse eyed jacks, skip jacks, cotton mouth jacks and a lot more. Guests always confuse wahoo for barracudas.

Water temperature is a bit crazy same as visibility depend on where you are that’s how conditions get, below 60Ft of water visibility goes down to 30Ft. in some other parts of Roca Partida visibility reaches 100FTt of water. Temperature ranges from 72F to 78F again depending on where you put yourself.

Roca has a lot of life. The highlight of the dive was the pod of dolphins that stayed with our four groups for their entire dive. The north corner is loaded with white tip reef shark some silver tips and some of the divers say they saw a Galapagos shark.

Some of the guests were able also to hear the singing of the humpback whales, we can see them around the rock on the surface but they are not coming close enough so the dives can see them underwater, we are crossing fingers.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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