Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-02-24

Vessel remained at Anchor overnight at Roca Partida.  Stbd Anchor, 4 Shackles in the water, 240ft depth. Current WX: Air temp 25C and Sea Water temp 24-25C, Light to Gentle breeze from the NE, Overcast at Sunrise with clouds slowly dissolving through the AM.  Calm Seas with a long 4-6ft swell.  Weather today is so good we remained overnight. 

Yesterday afternoon dives were a continuation of the morning, with lots of sharks being reported.  The Shark 101 presentation was well timed, as the guests this morning could put in to practice their newfound knowledge. 

First dive, guests reported seeing 100+ different types of sharks, mainly white and silver tips.  Galapagos Sharks only numbered around 5 to 6.  A humpback whale was spotted in the distance, unfortunately guests were unable to sight it underwater. 

Second dive was much in the same vein as the first, although no Galapagos were sighted this time.  Tuna again was sighted, these ones around 6 to 8ft in length, large lobsters were also spotted, and from the length we can guess their age to be in excess of 75yrs.

At lunch, several seabirds were spotted circling, and after using the binoculars we can see lots of sharks actively on the surface. A brief skiff ride later, it could be clearly seen the sharks had corralled some fish into a ball and were trying to snaffle them up as they dived into it.

As we watched from the skiff, one of fish thought it would be prudent to hide beneath the skiff, and the sudden burst of acceleration from the chasing shark as it streaked below was certainly breathtaking to see.

Roca Partida is on fire today. Aspiration for this afternoon, is to complete the remaining 2 dives, one of which is being conducted as I type. After dinner, we will heave anchor and begin our journey back to Cabo.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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