Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-02-26

NUS Anchored in lat. north 18 46.6 longitude west 111° 02.8 in 125 ft depth, Pta. Tosca, Socorro Island, weather condition sunny day air Temperature 23°C.

This morning two dives were made in the two lava fingers, underwater conditions visibility 16 metres, Water temperature 25°c.

The first dive was amazing one group saw a whale (mom and baby), mantas (two blacks one chevron ) come closer to the divers, one hummer shark, and many of reef fishes. All guests are happy.

In the morning the whales were around undersea for a long time, and whales were jumping a great show. In the second dive, the guest saw four mantas, and the visibility was amazing at around 18 meters.

We are going to do one more dive here and later we are going to do the navy check and then go to Cabo Pearce.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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