Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-02-28

19.19.658N – 110.48.880W Vessel anchored in 130Ft of water.

Today we are diving The Boiler. The site is beautiful and diving is been good, we have seen some dolphins and a handful of Mantas, some guests say they saw couple of hammerhead sharks, other talk about the Galapagos they saw. Just now after second dive some are amazed by the silky shark rubbing its back against the rough skin of the manta.

We had a moderate current running to the north and is less with every dive, wind and waves are NW, big 6Ft NW swell.  Wind waves giving us some extra work on the back deck to get the guests in and out of the skiffs, everything is under control for now. Visibility is 50Ft, water temperature is 73F, air temperature is 76F, cloudy skies.

On a fun note, Peter was ready and waiting to go diving but he was uncomfortable and sweeting. Meanwhile a female guest kept looking for her wet suit… until Peter realized he had managed to put the woman´s suit on, we were all laughing and now is the daily joke. How the heck he put that small suit on?

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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