Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-03-02

Good afternoon, everybody.

Vessel currently at Anchor at Roca Partida, Stbd Anchor 4.5 Shackles in the water. Yesterday evening we transited to Roca Partida arriving Early Morning. With Divers in the water at 0800.

Morning Dives were very similar, Lots of White Tips reported, over 90 in number, Silver Tips also put in appearance, 7 or so Dolphins, Tuna, and some Very Large Lobsters along with the usual Reef Fish. 

The Divers again reported the presence of Whale Song throughout the second dive. From the Skiffs we saw a Sealion, obviously wondering what is going on. 

WX: Skies remain cloudy, Light to gentle breeze from the N, Slight seas with a long Moderate NNW Swell. Air Temp 22C at morning to 23C by midday, Sea Temp 25C Visibility between 25 to 30m. 

Dive Site 1: Roca Partida    4 vessels: NEX

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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