Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-03-03

Good afternoon, NUS anchored Lat North 19 19.6 and Longitude west 110 48.8 in the Boiler area, San Benedicto Island. Weather conditions are regular – good wind NW 10-12 kts, sunny day, temp 24 Celsius, sea state 3 ft, 103 ft depth, 2 shots paid out.

We arrived at the Island today at 0230. When we arrived, they were already other ships. Today in our first dive in the morning (check dive) the Fondeadero was good the visibility was 12 mtrs. Temp into the water 24 degrees Celsius.

Divers saw dolphins, and just two Galapagos sharks. The guests were so happy with the checkout dive (this group doesn’t have too much experience).

The second dive was regular in the Boiler, the visibility was very good 20 mtrs. Temp. 24 Celsius and they saw a little animal activity, white tips, some lobsters, one octopus, and 1yellowfin tuna. Something important is our guests are happy.

Dive Site 1: Canyon    4 vessels: Undersea Hunter, Solmar V, Rocio del Mar

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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