Good afternoon, everybody. Vessel currently lying to STBD Anchor at the Boiler with 3 Shackles in the water. Current weather: Cloudy Sky, NW 5-8 Kts, Calm Seas, NW’ly 6ft Swell. Air Temp 22C but feels like 25C, Sea Temp 24C, Underwater Visibility 15 to 20m, Depth beneath the keel 110ft.
Yesterday we completed our stay at Roca Partida in the same manner as the morning. Guests reported hearing Whale Song very clearly, and we suspect the Whale doing it to be the one observed from the vessel at 5NM or so away. Yesterday was also the second time we saw a Sealion sitting on the rock.
We departed just after dinner and arrived here at the Boiler at 0530.
First Dive was at 0700. Guests saw Manta´s, White Tip Sharks, 10 to 12 Dolphins were in attendance, a large shoal of Wahoo’s and Jacks were clearly visible from the skiff. 2 of our groups also reported seeing a Hammerhead.
2nd dive, Guests saw more Manta’s White tips again, unfortunately the Dolphins had moved on.
Guest Mitchell has returned to the water and completed a 1 to 1 dive with one of our Dive Guides. She performed well and had a great time, as evidenced by her face when we picked her up.