Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-03-13

NUS Anchored in Latitude 18 46.6 North Longitude 110° 54.6 West drop the anchor in 91 ft depth, Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, weather condition a little bad sunny day, wind NE 10-12 kts, air Temperature 22°C, sea state 2-4 ft, in the anchorage area sea state calm.

First dive was good, the divers saw some hammerhead-sharks, Galapagos and one manta just pass front of the divers. Also they saw dolphins pass, reef fish, many bonitos, underwater conditions visibility 18 mtrs, Water temperature 21° C.

Second dive a little much better mantas all time near the divers one chevron and two black, hammerhead shark, Galapagos, again many of reef fishes, all morning we have seen whales near to us.

Guests are fine and enjoying their trip.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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