Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-03-18

Good afternoon, all, NEX anchored in Cabo Pearce, 110 ft depth. 3 shots paid out, Northerly wind 10-15 kts and choppy seas outside the bay but calm inside the bay.

We finished our day yesterday with another nice dive in Punta Tosca, the high light of the day was when a few divers saw this humpback whale passed by about 5 meters from them. After we finished there, we went to Navy base for inspection and spent the night anchored in Pearce.

Today we have done 2 great dives, dolphins, mantas, school of hammerheads, tuna fish and lots of reef fish were spotted during both dives. Dive conditions are as follows: water temp. 23C, Viz 12 meters, air temp. 24C. Plan is to do 2 more dives here and after dinner we will heave up anchor and will go to San Benedicto.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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