Good afternoon, NUS anchored Latitude 19 17.6 North and Longitude 110 48.7 West, in the Cañon area, San Benedicto Island, weather conditions are good wind N 8-10 kts, sunny day, temp 25 Celsius, sea state 2 ft, 80 ft depth, 2 shots paid out. We arrived at the Island today at 0120, when we arrived Southern Sport was there.
Today in our first dive in the morning (check dive) the Fondeadero area was good the visibility 18 mtrs. Temp into the water 22 degrees Celsius very good visibility 18 mtrs. Divers saw Galapagos, the guests were so fine with the checkout dive.
The second dive was very good in the Cañon, the visibility was good 18-20 mtrs. Temp. 23 Celsius and they saw a big school hammerhead shark, mantas good activity, white tips, and some yellowfin tuna.
Our guests are happy.