Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2024-03-31

Gallant Lady is in San Jose channel right now Wind is southerly 10-12kts with 1-2′ chop, sky mostly cloudy, air temp around 25C.

We departed Cantamar last night around 2130 after guests had dinner and safety briefing and drill. It was blowing 20kts plus from the south on departure so a little rolling for the first few hours but smoothed out once we reached San Francisco.

Went as far north as Agua Verde, arriving there around 0730 this morning then turning around to search south from there, hoping the orcas would be somewhere in the area.

After the morning briefing, we sent the rhib out with all onboard to search the coastline and although we didn’t find the orcas, they did find a pod of pilot whales within about half an hour of leaving and have spent the last 2 hours with them, cruising south. They are just arriving back to the boat now for lunch.

Now we’ll keep heading south and end up at San Francisco this afternoon for a sealion dive/snorkel and anchor for the night at San Francisco.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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