NUS Anchored at 18°46.6N-110°54.6W, in 80ft depth, Cabo Pearce Socorro Island, sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 73°F, weather north wind 10 knots and gusts of 15 knots, wind waves 2ft and long period swell of 5ft from the north outside the reef.
This morning, we did two dives with varied visibility of 30ft and 50ft in some parts, sea temperature 73°F on the surface and thermocline at 60ft depth of 70°F, without current.
At least 6 manta rays were seen, 5 chevron and one black, a few Dolphins and we have three trips in a row seeing the Humpback Whales in Cabo Pearce, now the last group on the second dive saw the whales at the end of the dive, everyone was happy.
All guests and crew without problems.
This day we are sharing the dive site with Southern, Chiron, Legend. 4 boats but we agreed that the two private ones will dive at the same time. Plan for Tomorrow we will stay at Cape Pearce for the famous day of the Eclipse, at the request of the guests because this will be a strategic position for the observation of this Eclipse.