NUS Anchored at 18°46.6N-110°54.6W, in 80 ft of depth, Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, the sky is completely cloudy, air temperature 71°F. Wind blowing from the North 10 knots and gusts of 15 knots, wind waves of 3ft, and long period swell of 5ft from the North.
Today was the day that all the guests were waiting for the famous Eclipse and two dives were made, one before and one after the Eclipse.
It was a day of many manta rays at least 10 different individual manta rays, 5 were seen at a time. Everyone was happy with the diving and the Eclipse.
Visibility on the north side was better at 60ft, while on the south it was 30ft, water temperature 75°F.Light current to South.
We share the dive site with Southern and in the afternoon the Valentina will be in the same place. Plan for Punta Tosca tomorrow and the Navy Inspection in the afternoon. Yesterday the afternoon dives were very good in Cabo Pearce mantas, dolphins, and the school of hammerheads.