Position: NBA at anchor i1 cable EES of Roca Partida, WX: WWN/3 kts, Swell 3´, cloudy 8/8 Cu
1) Dives 3 & 4 from yesterday at Roca Partida, water temperature 24C, visibility good. The guests saw some white tips sharks, and big tuna fish, and some groups saw dolphins.
2) Dives 1 & 2 from today at Roca Partida, water temperature 24C, visibility good, Some groups saw a humpback whale during the first and second dive, and other groups saw dolphins, one hammerhead, and some silky sharks.
Passengers: Some of the passengers are not diving because they are tired and some others have a nasal congestion. But they are quiet and happy and enjoy the time on board.
Upcoming plan: Today at night we will depart to Boiler in order to do the last day of dive there.