NUS Anchored at 18°46.4N-110°54.6W, 90ft depth. Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, the sky is totally cloudy, air temperature 70°F, the wind was strong in the morning and now improving to 10 knots and gusts 15 knots blowing from the North and 6ft long period swell from the south.
This morning two dives were done, water temperature 74°F, visibility of 50ft in the northern part which was the best, and, in the south, less visibility, and no current. The Mantas were there throughout the dive, at least 5 Mantas, 4 chevrons, and one black.
We are sharing the dive site with the Southern. Yesterday afternoon in the Canyon the dives were good Hammers, Galapagos, and Silvertips at the cleaning station.