NUS Anchored at 19°19.4N-110°48.7W, the Boiler, San Benedicto Island, the sky is clear, a sunny day, air temperature 74°F, we have a pleasant northwest breeze of 8 knots and long period swell of 5 ft from the same direction.
This morning two dives were made in the Boiler with visibility of 60ft, water temperature 75°F, and no current on both dives. The mantas and Dolphins worked hard to keep the divers busy with their cameras and in the end, everyone was happy.
We saw 5 manta rays and several dolphins that stayed with the divers on both dives, many yellowfin tunas patrolling the Boiler, and two Tiger Sharks that passed together without showing interest in the divers. We are alone in the Boiler.
Yesterday on 3 dives at Roca Partida all the divers enjoyed the encounter with a Whale Shark that passed around the Rock several times on each dive.
We have two more dives in the afternoon and the guests hope to finish the trip with a lot of action.