NUS Anchored at 18°46.6N-110°54.6W, in 90ft depth, Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island. The sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 74°F, rough conditions outside the shelter, north wind 20 kts and gusts 25 knots plus, waves up to 6 ft in the same direction.
Two dives were made this morning, visibility 60ft, water temperature 75°F, and moderate current to the south.
In both dives, good activity with 3 different manta rays, 2 black and 1 chevron, dolphins, a few Galapagos sharks, Silvertips and whitetips and a bait ball that crossed the reef and that the Galapagos sharks were eating.
Today all the guests and crew are happy without problems. We plan two more dives in Pearce in the afternoon. Due to weather conditions, we cannot move for the safety of the guests and ourselves.
Plan for Punta Tosca tomorrow and if conditions improve some other dive site.