NUS Anchored at 18°46.8N-111°02.7W, in 100 ft depth, Punta Tosca, Socorro Island. The sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 73°F, northwest wind at 16 knots and gusts of more than 20 knots. wind swell of 6ft and long period swell from the south of 5ft.
This morning two dives were made with visibility of 80ft, water temperature 75°F, and light current to the west.
During the two dives the divers saw 2 manta rays, and some Dolphins,1 turtle on both dives. All guests and crew without problems today. The guests requested that we could have dinner at 1830 hrs and I spoke with the chef and he would try to make to do the best he can to do it earlier. We want to keep everyone happy.
We have one more dive in the afternoon at the Aquarium and then do the Inspection with the Navy. Plan for tomorrow, San Benedicto Island.