NUS at anchor in Latitude 18 46.6 North Longitude 110° 54.6 West. Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, weather condition regular, cloudy day, wind NE 10-12 kts, air Temperature 23°C, sea state 3-5 ft, in the Cabo Pearce anchorage area sea state calm.
First dive was amazing, the divers saw all time dolphins, and this made them very happy. They also saw two mantas , yellow fin tunas, reef fish, many bonitos. Underwater conditions visibility 18 mtrs, Water temp.23°C.
Second dive was good, visibility 15 mtrs and temp. 24, they saw three mantas 1 chevron and 2 black, many yellow fin tunas and one very big tuna. also saw silvertips, many of reef fishes.
Yesterday we did the last dive in the old man of the rock, which was very light, and then we go to the naval inspection and everything was ok. guest are very happy.