19.17.759N – 110.48.536W anchor in 55ft of water.
Today is a weird day, when we anchored here wind was doing 18kts NW, then this morning it died and there was no wind at all, then wind came back and it was doing 20kts NW, then it stopped again.
When the wind is blowing hard there are white caps around the boat, inside this little sheltered place there is a long period 2ft swell NW air temperature is 77F, clear skies, loads of ashes from the island is landing on the boat.
Mild current running to the east, visibility today is 50ft, but there are these pockets of water with silt and cold water, near the cleaning station the water gets cooler they say and visibility reaches 80FT.
In check dive a group had the dolphins coming and staying with them for couple of minutes. After the check dive they did good then but the fun part was to see them lifting their heads up on the surface yelling TIGER SHARK, TIGER SHARK. Just under the boat this huge tiger shark cruised by.
The cleaning station in second dive had some action, they saw manta, silver tips, Galapagos, and loads of other fish and the white tip reef sharks.