Captain’s Noon Reports – Gallant Lady – 2024-05-14

Good afternoon, all, NGL searching for critters between Espiritu Santo and San Francisco Island, wind is blowing from East 10 kts and 1-3 chop, clear sky and air temperature is 27 Celsius.

We started our day searching Cerralvo channel, we saw a few pods of bottle nose dolphins and once we arrived to La Reyna, guests got in the water with a very large pod of dolphins that the eye in the sky spotted. Guests stayed there for about 3 hours, also they did swim with the sealions.

During the second half of the day we continued searching north and we find  3 fin whales and the some guests are doing whale watching. Plan for the rest of the day is continue searching and finish in San Francisco.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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