A day with Sperm Whales

Today started slow, heading north of La Paz. For a couple of hours we looked out on the flat sea, but without spotting any animals. We were admiring some wonderful rock formations, when the captain called that he had spotted some whales. So we rushed over, to meet the Gallant Lady far out in the main channel of the Sea of Cortez.
There, we got excited to learn that we had a large family of Sperm Whales slowly swimming ahead of us. We approached them carefully, and jumped into the water slightly adhead of them. They swam right past us, with only little distance, before eventually diving down. So we headed back to our boat, to repeat the procedure. It was a large group of whales, with many adults and also many babies, some of which seemed really small. It was really special how they allowed us to see them on almost every approach, sometimes even allowing individual snorkelers to swim side by side with them and their babies for a while. And once one of their babies came right up to our boat, a behavior I had only seen from some gray whales before.
Thus we spent the late morning and all afternoon with this group, until the sun was low and we all exhausted from the many exciting encounters we had been allowed to experience. A day we will never forget!


By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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