Diving in Revillagigedo is addictive.

Jumping in the pacific ocean in search for pelagic animals is exiting. Reading the conditions, the currents, the behavior of the fishes to try to understand where the big animals are, is always a thrill no matter how many dives you have done in this islands. Today in the Canyon I could feel the excitement of all the group. We were on the mission of finding the school hammerheads. We navigate from the manta rock to the cleaning station when we finally spot them. It’s such a feeling to be in the blue surrounded by sharks and jacks!!. We were reaching our NDL so we started shallowing our dive when a chevron oceanic manta ray came to check us out….A perfect way to finish the dive.


By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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