Socorro expedition onboard the Nautilus Explorer.

When the southbound trip to Revi begins and you have new guests onboard, it always feels like your first trip, because you never know what is going to happen, what amazing encounters with marine life you gonna have, how much good laugh you gonna have and how much interesting stories you gonna hear. I love to present those islands to our guests, the very unique Revillagigedo archipelago with its thrilling megafauna.
The islands themself are already beautifull, wild and all are so different to each other. All volcanic, erroded and virgin, they all are very distinctive. San Benedicto island has its last erruption in 1952, fauna and flora had been wiped out, covered by volcanic ash. Mother nature recover quickly if you let her do the job. This island looks like a jurassic island taken out of a movie, rough coast line, sheer walls and the volcano Barcena throning over a very dry landscape. Its a spectacular scenery and never gets old. Socorro Island isn’t that rough it has much little hills, very green, seems to me like Tolkiens Shire, land of the Hobbits, Socorro also has a very rough coast line, all due to heavy errosional forces of waves, wind and storm hitting over tausends of years. Roca Partida is the chemny of an old volcano that reaches depth of 5 to 6000 feet. Its one of the most remote and spectacular dive rock in the world. Sheer walls all around and inhabited by hundreds of birds
, Boobies, Fregatts, Petrels. This week we even saw an Albatros flying around the rock. Words are just to trivial for Revillagigedo, the landscape is just epic… and we still haven’t talked about the bathymetry
The under water landscapes are all more or less erroded Lava formations, you have drop offs, sandy patches, boulders and long lava fingers and all very dramatic, you need to take yor time just to enjoy the under water landscapebut that only works out if the megafauna of Socorro islands give you the time to really enjoy it.
When you come to Revillagigedo aka Socorro, I promess you gonna have memorable encounters with wild life and with other guest you gonna make friend under and above the water and one thing that we guarante you are going to remember for life and for sure Socorro is gonna stay on your bucket list after the trip, Socorro never ever gets old.


By Nautilus Crew

Recent blogs and dive reports from the crew onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard's vessels.

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