Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-05-20

Explorer anchored 0.2nm east of Roca Partida. Beautiful day out here today, light nw breeze with 4-5′ NW swell, clear sky, air temp 28C, water temp 25C. Water is much warmer out here than at San Benedicto. Viz a beautiful 25m plus.

Yesterday we finished at the Boiler with great dives, 6 mantas on the 3rd dive yesterday and great conditions. Overnight run to RP was a little rolly but not too bad.

Two dives done here so far and both have been good. Lots of wahoo, tunas, silver-tips, a few Galapagos around. Dolphins were around this morning but no sightings underwater yet. Quino also here today.

Plan for tomorrow still undecided if we stay for a second day at RP or move on. We’ll see how the next two dives go.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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