Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-05-24

18.46.569N – 110.54.552W anchored in 110 Ft of water, wind today is doing 8kts NW, air temperature is 76F same as the Ocean, there is a mild current running to the east, visibility today averages 80Ft, blues skies. Flat ocean in the harbor, small little waves outside the protected area.

Diving is been fabulous in Cabo Pearce. loads and loads of Mantas, they set themselves in a parade of six at the same time, they have also seen Galapagos, white tip reef sharks, silkies and some went nuts with a green turtle, lots of fish easy conditions great diving.

The highlight of the two morning dives have been the dolphins, they came and stayed for long the pictures in guests’ minds is to see these two mantas making loops around the guests and see one of the dolphins getting under a manta and blow bubbles.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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