NEX currently anchored near the Canyon. Wind is WNW 10-15kts with a 2-3′ westerly swell rolling in, clear skies, air temp 28C. Underwater we have a temp of 23C with viz a little milky today at times, 10-15m. Current is mild.
On arrival last night there were very strong winds just here locally in the Canyon anchorage, both Rocio and Valentina dragged anchor and were out jogging about half a mile off waiting for the wind to come down. When I dropped anchor, it was gusting 30kts plus, but we held ok.
Today we are sharing the Canyon with Valentina. Rocio is at Boiler. I think it’s Valentina’s last day today.
The diving so far has been good. Checkout dive was fine but no big animals. 2nd dive at Canyon where a few sharks around the cleaning station but viz a bit low and not as good as we know it can be.
One diver was very excited however because it was the first time she saw sharks underwater and as we were waiting in the inflatable for a few other divers to come up, a manta came by and she jumped in to snorkel with her first ever manta. Tomorrow my plan is Boiler.