Good afternoon, NUS anchored Lat 18 59.3 North and Long 112 04. West, in Roca Partida, weather conditions are good-regular wind NW 10-12, long swell 4-6 ft. temp 26 Celsius, sunny day.
Today is our first dive in the morning was good the visibility 20-22 mtrs. Temp. into the water some areas 24 and other 25 degrees Celsius, a little current from NE. Divers saw white tips, yellow fin tuna, wahoos and two mantas, the guests were very happy.
The second dive was much better they saw many white tips, three mantas all time with divers, yellow fin tunas continues around the rock, the visibility was better 24 mtrs.
Yesterday we did the two dives in Cabo Pearce and they saw mantas again all the time, we also saw false killer whales but only on the surface they were.
When we finish here on Roca Partida, we will move to El Cañon.