Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-05-31

NEX today anchored at Punta Tosca. Wind a little fresher today, 11-16kts from the North, with a 3-4′ NW swell and very long period 2-3m S’ly swell that is rolling in and crashing dramatically against the rocks in front of the anchorage.

Air temp high 20’s, clear sky. Water temp similar to Roca Partida here, around 25-26C. Viz a little stirred up today.

On dive 1 around 8-12m and dive 2 it improved to 10-15m in places. Current is mild. Dive 1 was awesome with 3-5 individual mantas spending the entire dive with all the divers, lots of interaction and manta love happening.

Dive 2 strangely enough the mantas disappeared completely, no sighting but two of the groups had a quick pass of the dolphins at the end of the dive. A couple hammerheads were spotted as well.

One more dive then off to the Navy base and up to Cabo Pearce for our last day tomorrow.

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