Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-05-31

NUS Anchored on the Cañon area San Benedicto Island Lat. 19 17.7 North and Longitude 110 48.5 West in 60 ft depth, weather condition sunny day, air Temperature 23°C, sea state 1-2 ft, in the anchorage area and wind blowing from W 8-10 kts, but swell coming up SSW.

The first dive was good, the divers saw three mantas, some hammer-sharks, Galapagos, white tips.

Underwater conditions are regular-good with visibility 12-14 mtrs, Water temperature 24°c in the second dive, divers saw small school of hammer shark, and four mantas, Galapagos and silver tips, the visibility a little bad 10-12 mtrs.

Yesterday the last two dives in Roca Partida were very good two mantas all time with the divers and many tunas again some big tunas’ yellow fin. All guests are happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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