Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-06-01

NEX anchored at Cabo Pearce today. Wind strong northerlies 14-18kts, 2-3′ chop off the lava flow, some long southerly swell rolling in again today, sky clear, air temp around 28C. Water temp at surface 25-26C but down to around 23-24C at depth. Viz was low on dive 1, 10-12m, dive 2 it improved to around 15m. Current mild.

Diving has been good. Dive 1 was dolphin dive, with a couple very sociable bottlenose coming in to visit the divers, up close and personal including a little nose poke on a camera housing dome. Also a couple mantas around but just cruising by.

Dive 2 some divers had a great manta dive, others didn’t see any at all. Overall though all happy with the diving.

Yesterday at Tosca we had great manta interaction on dive 3 before the navy inspection.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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