Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-06-05

Helo amigos. We are anchored at El Fondeadero Sur in San Benedicto Island. We arrived last night around 00:45 Hr. Weather is cool, it’s been cloudy all night and this morning has been rainy. We have wind blowing from NW (12 kt.) and also swells coming from NW and SW about 4 ft, high.

We have done two dives, one in “El Fondeadero” (check dive) and one more in “El Cañón”. The first one in “El Fondeadero” was ok, the diver tested their equipment and everything went fine, no problems at all. They saw lots of reef fish all over the area. Also they could see one white tip reef shark, lots of lobsters and a manta ray laying in the sand.

Visibility was poor, abut 5 – 7 m. Water temperature 21 Celsius degrees. No current at all, It was dark down there because it’s cloudy. But the divers enjoyed the dive.

The second dive was better, at “El Cañón”. The visibility was better this time. 5 m. at the beginning but when they went deeper, it improved a lot (10 – 15 m.). It was still dark but much better.

The divers could see two mantas playing around for almost all the dive, they could see one big hammer head shark and a couple of baby hammer head sharks close to the cleaning station. Also a big school of jacks and silver tips and white tips sharks. And at the end of the dive, a giant tuna patrolling the cleaning station.

All the divers came back to the boat by panga with a big smile on their faces.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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