NUS Anchored at 18°46.7 North -111°02.7 West, in 105 ft depth, Punta Tosca, Socorro Island. We have good weather wind blowing from NW 8-10 kts. cloudy and cool day, air temperature 22 Celsius, outside swell of 2-4 ft.
This morning one dive has been done with regular visibility 10-12 mtrs, water temperature 24 Celsius with a little current from south-east.
First dive was regular-good divers saw one black manta and silkies but one group saw many bonitos and reef fish, this group came out very happy.
On second dive was much better, visibility 20 mtrs and temp. 22 Celsius they saw two manta some hammer sharks, again, silkies and many reef fish, but the current increased stronger. When we finish the third dive we will go to navy base,
Yesterday the last two dives in the Cañon were good small school hammer shark and two mantas all the time with our guests. All guests are fine.