Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-06-07

NUS at anchor on position Latitude 18 59.3 North and Longitude 112 04.8 West, good weather conditions wind NW 6-8 kts sea state 3-4 ft. air temp. 24 Celsius. cloudy day but some moments the sun comes out.

The first dive was amazing the clients saw dolphins all the time, first there were about 10 but then they came more possibly some 20 dolphins, they also saw silver tips and white tips and tunas some tunas very very big. Perfect visibility 30 mtrs and temp 24 Celsius. a little current from west to east.

On the second dive our guest saw mantas 5 mantas 3 chevron and 2 black, continue the tuna around the rock.

Yesterday the last dives in Cabo Pearce were good but the last one we had good company of dolphins.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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